Sr. No. EnumerationValue
1 To diagnose intra-uterine and/or ectopic pregnancy and confirm viability.
2 Estimation of gestational age (dating).
3 Detection of number of fetuses and their chorionicity.
4 Suspected pregnancy with IUCD in-situ or suspected pregnancy following contraceptive
5 Vaginal bleeding / leaking.
6 Follow-up of cases of abortion.
7 Assessment of cervical canal and diameter of internal os.
8 Discrepancy between uterine size and period of amenorrhoea.
9 Any suspected adenexal or uterine pathology / abnormality.
10 Detection of chromosomal abnormalities, foetal structural defects and otherabnormalities and their followup
11 To evaluate foetal presentation and position.
12 Assessment of liquor amnii.
13 Preterm labour / preterm premature rupture of membranes.
14 Evaluation of placental position, thickness, grading and abnormalities (placenta praevia, retroplacental haemorrhage, abnormal adherence etc.).
15 Evaluation of umbilical cord – presentation, insertion, nuchal encirclement, number of vessels and presence of true knot
16 Evaluation of previous Caesarean Section scars.
17 Evaluation of foetal growth parameters, foetal weight and foetal well being.
18 Colour flow mapping and duplex Doppler studies.
19 Ultrasound guided procedures such as medical termination of pregnancy, external cephalic version etc. and their follow-up
20 Adjunct to diagnostic and therapeutic invasive interventions such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS), amniocenteses, foetal blood sampling, foetal skin biopsy, amnio amnioinfusion, intrauterine infusion, placement of shunts etc.
21 Observation of intra-partum events.
22 Medical/surgical conditions complicating pregnancy.
23 Research/scientific studies in recognized institutions.
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